20 Surprising ‘Friends’ Behind-The Scenes Facts!

1. Friends got a D+ by People Magazine

When Friends debuted on September 22nd 1994, it wasn’t evident that the show would become a Huge hit. Early reviews for the show included some like People magazine which gave the sit-com a D+ rating and times magazine which called the cast   ‘dysfunctional morons’.

2. Joey’s Head

In The episode where Joey’s head got stuck in the door, that was actually real. LeBlanc, got his head stuck in the door, so the writers had to change the script to fit the stuck head.

3. Joey’s Speech

During Joey’s “best man” speech for Ross Emily’s wedding, he starts off by saying “I first met Ross in this coffee house back home,” but it was revealed earlier on the show that they first met at a bar and not the coffee house.

4. Monica and Chandler’s new house

In season 10, Monica and Chandler decide to settle in a new house where they can start a new life together with their adopted twin babies. It was later pointed out my many conspiracy theorists and fans that The house that Monica and Chandler move into is the same house used in the movie “Home Alone”!

5. Carol and Susan’s wedding

In the Friends episode, where Susan (Ross’ ex-wife) and Carol got married, “NBC expected thousands and thousands of phone calls and hate mails but actually received only four complaints by telephone.”

6. Matthew Perry’s Big Day

When Matthew Perry got on the Cover of People Magazine for the first time ever in 2002 with the headline referring to him as “Friends ‘funny guy’ ” , he sent it to one of his old teachers, Dr. Web, who said he would never amount to anything if he kept joking around all the time.

7. Central Perk Set

One of the most used and iconic sets of Central Perk was destroyed to make the set of airport for Ross and Rachel chemistry. We see in the last scene when Rachel asks if they want to get one last coffee, and Chandler asks “Where?” it was actually real, since there was nowhere for them to go.

8. Most expensive commercial slots

Thirty second commercial spots to take place in the final episode sold in the UK for 12 million pounds approximately 1.5 million dollars, the most expensive commercial slots of any television program in the UK with the exception of sports.

9. Big Pay Days

For the first season all six actors were paid $22,000 per episode but by the second season their contracts changed to different amounts for each character. The cast banded together and negotiated until all six of them earned $100,000 per episode. This makes them one of the first casts to negotiate salaries as a group rather than boycotting for individual reasons. By the final season they each earned $1 million per episode.

10. Joey’s Character

Joey was originally written as a jerk. When Matt LeBlancquestioned why the others would be friends with him, the character was changed. In addition to this, Joey’s Character was never intended to be dumb but when Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the Joey’s role, he put a “different spin” on the character, convincing the writers that his dumbness would be a great source of comedy.

11. Ross’ Pet Monkey

Ross’ pet monkey Marcel was played by two monkeys: Monkey and Kate. The monkey was written out in season two when filming with the animals became too time consuming and difficult. On one occasion Rachel was trying to explain a TV show to Marcel and the monkey wouldn’t sit still, climbing over the couch and knocking the popcorn over.

12. Toughest scene to film

One of the toughest scenes to film on the show was the episode where Rachel hears Ben’s first words. Ross, desperate to hear Ben speak again, constantly prompts Ben to speak by asking him, “Can you say ‘Dada’?” The baby was supposed to stay quiet but kept actually responding “Dada” ever time David Schwimmer said it.

13. Matt’s Hot Dinner

When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in “Friends” he had only $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their first paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car and Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

14. The iconic Rachel Haircut

according to jennifer aniston, the Iconic Rachel Haircut Was Created accidentally when her friend cut her hair using razor.

15. Monica’s fridge

The fridge in Monica’s Apartment actually worked. It was filled with water and other drinks with cast and crew to drink while films.

16. Courtney Cox doesn’t actually Drink Coffee

We see all the main characters drinking coffee multiple times in central perk trying to navigate through their life. While other actors drink actual coffee, Courtney Cox does not. She just pretends to drink from an empty mug while filming.

17. Joey and Rachel’s love Story

The love story between Rachel and Joey was badly received from the moment Creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane pitched it, from many of the other writers, as well as the cast itself. Whenever someone told Kauffman and Crane how wrong they found that story, they would reply: “That’s exactly why we’re doing it. Sometimes friends fall in  love, even though it’s wrong.”

18. Lisa Kudrow based her character on Jennifer Aniston

Lisa Kudrow based her hippie character, Phoebe, on Jennifer Aniston, because of the actress’ interest in spiritual” subjects.

19. Young Harmonica

When Courteney Cox dressed as fat Monica for the first time, Matthew Perry walked right past her without recognizing her.

20. Friends Bottle Episode

“The One Where No One’s Ready” takes place entirely in Monica’s apartment, because the show didn’t have a big enough budget for guest stars or additional sets. It is considered as one of the funniest episodes of the series.

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