Bewitching Harry Potter Facts From Behind The Scenes!

1. Dobby’s Character

The character of the  house Elf, Dobby is based on a girl Rowling Knew at school. She was Repeatedly expelled from school for ironing her hands

2. Hermione’s Room

Emma Watson gave the set designers advice on what Hermione’s room should look like, asking them “Why are there not more books? There need to be books everywhere!.”

3. Daniel’s Handwriting

Daniel Radcliffe’s handwriting was so bad that he didn’t write Harry’s name for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He said: “I think that by that point, they had figured out my handwriting was so bad that they would never let it be seen in the film. So I’m pretty sure one of the props guys wrote “Harry Potter” neatly on a piece of paper for me to put in.”

4. Center of the Sun

Daniel Radcliffe said that filming the fighting scenes in the Room of Requirement felt like they were in the center of the sun. In the scene, there are a ton of mirrors and there had to be several fire places as well so that a fireplace could be seen in every mirror.

5. Tom Felton’s Crush

Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy, said he had a thing for Helena Bonham Carter for awhile and that she was his little boy crush. “There’s something very unique about her. You can’t help but watch her when she’s on set. She’s gorgeous in every way.

6. Souvenirs from the set

Emma Watson said that she got to keep Hermione’s time turner, cloak and wand. However, many cast members with lesser billing said they were randomly searched to make sure they weren’t stealing any props from set.

7.Dancing Practices

While the rest of the cast got three weeks of dancing practice for the Yule Ball scene, Daniel was only able to get in four days because he had a much heavier filming schedule. For this reason, they mainly used shots of Harry dancing from the waist up to avoid showing his stumbling feet.

8. Daniel’s Allergy

Daniel Radcliffe was not only allergic to the contacts that he was supposed to be wearing in the films, but he also got a rash from his first pair of glasses.

9. Daniel’s Favourite scene to film

Daniel Radcliffe’s favorite scene to film was the Gringotts scene in the last movie.

“The first thing that comes to mind, and it’s a silly one, but doing all the Gringotts stuff in the last movie with Rupert and Helena and Warwick and Emma, that was like a really fun time.”

-Daniel Radcliffe

10. Original character names changed

Rowling decided to change some of the character names which included Hermione’s , Draco’s, Neville’s, Luna’s and Parvati’s name.

These were some of the original names of the characters before Rowling changed them: Hermione Puckle, Neville Puff, Draco Spinks, Lily Moon (Luna Lovegood), Madhuri Patil, and Mati Patil.

11. Truth behind the Moving Staircase Scenes

The moving staircases in Hogwarts were a combination of one real staircase and a tiny model of multiple staircases made

to look real post-production. The actors stood on a single moving staircase to film scenes, the rest were sweeping views of the model.

12. Emma’s fall

The first time in the Goblet Of Fire that Emma had to walk down the stairs during the Yule Ball scene, she fell down the stairs.

13. School Robes

The characters ditched school robes in Prisoner of Azkaban for the first time. Director Alfonso Cuarón thought that the characters wearing everyday clothes would show their personalities. He told the rest of the Hogwarts students to wear their uniforms in anyway they wanted so the wizards’ school would look more realistic.

14. Bloodlines

The children of Harry and Ginny Potter are considered half-bloods because although Ginny’s pure-blood, Harry’s parentage is with a pure-blood father and a Muggle-born mother. Some would consider the children to be pure-bloods because all four of their grandparents were wizards and witches.

15. Harry and Ron’s Crash

In the original draft of the Chamber of Secrets, Rowling had Harry and Ron crash into the lake in the Ford Anglia and meet the merpeople for the first time. However, she thought the Whomping Willow provided a more satisfying crash.

16. Lucius’ long hair

When Jason Isaacs was cast as Lucius Malfoy, he requested the longer hair, so that he could be distinguished from his son Draco. In order to keep the hair from falling in front of his face, Isaacs had to keep his head tilted back, which further added to the snobbishness of the character, as it made him appear as if he was “looking down his nose at everyone”.

17. Emma’s Favourite line

Emma Watson’s favourite line from all the Harry Potter films was, “Now if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse, expelled”.

18. Tom felton Auditioned for the part of Harry Potter

When Tom Felton auditioned for the role of Harry, they tested it by putting a black wig and a scar on him but they realized he was better for Draco Malfoy.

19. Filming traumatizing scenes

Filming the torture scene, where Bellatrix is torturing Hermione, was so intense and brutal, that Helena Bonham Carter approached Emma Watson right afterward to make sure they were still on good terms.

20. Storyline secrets

J.K. Rowling told Alan Rickman the end of Snape’s story before he ever appeared on camera as Snape in the Harry Potter movies. As a result, he often argued with directors based on knowing something they didn’t.

How many of These Did you know?

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