Ryan Gosling reacts to Barbie movie critics saying he’s “too old”

The upcoming Barbie movie, directed by Greta Gerwig, has been a topic of discussion among moviegoers and critics alike. The film, which is set to be released in 2023, stars Margot Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken. The movie follows Barbie as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment .

Despite the anticipation surrounding the film, some critics have expressed their disappointment with the casting choices. In particular, there has been controversy over the decision to cast Ryan Gosling, who is in his 40s, as Ken, a character traditionally portrayed as being in his 20s or 30s. Some younger fans of the franchise have taken to social media to express their disapproval, claiming that Gosling is “too old” for the role . However, Gosling has pushed back against these criticisms, stating that he was hurt by the negative reception to his casting .

Despite the backlash, many fans have come to Gosling’s defense, arguing that his age should not be a factor in his ability to portray the character. In response to the criticism, Gosling has taken a lighthearted approach, jokingly stating that he is “excited to bring a new perspective to the role of Ken” . As the release date for the film approaches, it remains to be seen how audiences will react to the casting choices and the overall direction of the movie.

Ryan Gosling’s defense of the Barbie movie

Ryan Gosling’s involvement in the upcoming Barbie movie has garnered criticism from some fans who believe he is too old to play the role of Ken. However, Gosling has defended his casting and called out the hypocrisy of his critics. In a recent interview with Variety, Gosling expressed his disappointment with those who deemed his casting to be poorly thought out . He also took to social media to respond to the criticism, stating that it was hypocritical for fans to criticize his age while simultaneously calling for more diverse casting choices .

Gosling’s response to the criticism has been met with humor and wit. In an interview with GQ, he responded to the criticism with his tongue firmly in cheek, stating that he was hurt by the criticism and that “nobody cares about Ken” . He also pointed out the double standard of ageism in Hollywood, stating that actresses are often criticized for being too old to play certain roles, while male actors are not held to the same standard .

Gosling has also defended the movie’s casting choices, stating that the film is meant to be a modern retelling of the classic Barbie story and that the casting reflects that . He has emphasized the importance of diversity and representation in Hollywood and believes that the casting of the movie reflects that . Overall, Gosling’s response to the criticism has been a humorous and thoughtful defense of the movie and its casting choices.

The importance of diverse representation in media

The recent backlash against Ryan Gosling’s casting as Ken in the upcoming Barbie movie highlights the need for diverse representation in Hollywood. While some critics argue that Gosling is too old to play the iconic toy character, others have raised concerns about the lack of representation for actors from marginalized communities in mainstream media . The casting of Gosling, a white male actor, in a role that could have gone to an actor from a more diverse background, underscores the need for Hollywood to prioritize diversity and inclusion in its casting decisions .

The impact of media representation on society cannot be overstated. When people from marginalized communities are not represented in mainstream media, it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a lack of understanding and empathy for those communities . On the other hand, when diverse groups are accurately represented in media, it can promote greater understanding and acceptance of those communities . Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that diverse voices are heard and represented in Hollywood and other media outlets.

The role of actors and filmmakers in promoting diversity in media cannot be overlooked. By speaking out against discriminatory casting decisions and advocating for greater representation for marginalized communities, actors like Ryan Gosling can use their platform to effect change . Similarly, filmmakers can prioritize diversity in their casting decisions and storylines, and use their films as a means to promote greater understanding and acceptance of diverse communities . Ultimately, it is up to all members of the entertainment industry to work towards greater diversity and inclusion in Hollywood and beyond.

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