Can you complete these iconic Cheryl Blossom One-Liners?

  • Question of

    “I’m in the mood for some ______”

    • Milkshakes
    • Chaos
    • Destruction
    • Drama
  • Question of

    “If you breathe, its because I give you _______”

    • Permission
    • Oxygen
    • my blessing
    • Air
  • Question of

    “Are you _______ suggesting I had something to do with my brother’s death?”

    • Ghouls
    • Catatonic Bimbos
    • Living mannequins
    • Hobos
  • Question of

    “You’ve got the vocabulary of a ______”

    • 3 year old
    • Hobo
    • Drunkard on bath salts
    • Baked Potato
  • Question of

    “That was a joke, you _______”

    • Hobo
    • Nightmare Smurfette
    • Gollum
    • Xenomorph
  • Question of

    “You can’t discriminate against someone because they’re ________ than you”

    • Prettier
    • Better Looking
    • Shorter
    • Smarter
  • Question of

    “Did you really think you could _________ without inviting moi?”

    • Have a Party
    • Go to Prom
    • Go to Pop’s
    • Throw Polly’s baby shower
  • Question of

    “Mr Andrews, nice haircut, you’re looking extremely ________ today”

    • Handsome
    • DILFy
    • Stunning
    • Charming
  • Question of

    “Not today cha-cha, i was ______ for this moment”

    • Waiting
    • Destined
    • Born
    • Trained
  • Question of

    “You _______ didn’t vote for me!”

    • B*tches
    • Catatonic Bimbos
    • Gollums
    • Savages

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