Only a True Riverdale fan can complete these Riverdale Quotes!

Riverdale is a teen drama with a cast of fascinating characters that have a lot in common in terms of history and humour. While some elements of the show are serious and intense, many fans have turned some of the show’s most memorable statements into humorous memes. There are notable quotes that fans utilise to either poke fun at the show or to include into their regular vocab, ranging from Cheryl’s confident and cheeky remarks to Jughead’s snarky and socially awkward words. While some of these lines are merely used for amusement, several of them are so memorable that they live rent-free in the minds of all fans. 

Can you complete these Riverdale quotes? Take this quiz to find out!

  • Question of

    “Sorry Cheryl Bombshell, my speciality is _______.”

    • Fire
    • Ignorance
    • Ice
    • Cheerleading
  • Question of

    “I beg your ____ pardon”

    • Misogynistic
    • Frivolous
    • Impulsive
    • Helpless
  • Question of

    “That was ______ , you hobo”

    • A Relief
    • A Joke
    • An Insult
    • Sarcasm
  • Question of

    “Have you ever seen me without this stupid ____ on?”

    • Hat
    • Beanie
    • Jacket
    • Shirt
  • Question of

    “Oh my God, Archie got _____”

    • Drunk
    • Hot
    • Expelled
    • Framed
  • Question of

    “I’m in the mood for some ______”

    • Destruction
    • Chaos
    • Hell-Raising
    • Singing
  • Question of

    “You’re not deviant, you’re _____”

    • Beautiful
    • Phenomenal
    • Wonderful
    • Sensational
  • Question of

    “I want ships named after Me, not ______”

    • Hotels
    • Movies
    • Horses
    • Cities
  • Question of

    “Famous last words _______”

    • Cheryl
    • Jug
    • Daddy
    • Archiekins
  • Question of

    “Not today cha-cha, I was ______ for this moment”

    • Destined
    • Born
    • Waiting
    • Trained

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