Only a True Riverdale fan can complete these Riverdale Quotes!

  • Question of

    “Sorry Cheryl Bombshell, my speciality is _______.”

    • Fire
    • Ignorance
    • Ice
    • Cheerleading
  • Question of

    “I beg your ____ pardon”

    • Misogynistic
    • Frivolous
    • Impulsive
    • Helpless
  • Question of

    “That was ______ , you hobo”

    • A Relief
    • A Joke
    • An Insult
    • Sarcasm
  • Question of

    “Have you ever seen me without this stupid ____ on?”

    • Hat
    • Beanie
    • Jacket
    • Shirt
  • Question of

    “Oh my God, Archie got _____”

    • Drunk
    • Hot
    • Expelled
    • Framed
  • Question of

    “I’m in the mood for some ______”

    • Destruction
    • Chaos
    • Hell-Raising
    • Singing
  • Question of

    “You’re not deviant, you’re _____”

    • Beautiful
    • Phenomenal
    • Wonderful
    • Sensational
  • Question of

    “I want ships named after Me, not ______”

    • Hotels
    • Movies
    • Horses
    • Cities
  • Question of

    “Famous last words _______”

    • Cheryl
    • Jug
    • Daddy
    • Archiekins
  • Question of

    “Not today cha-cha, I was ______ for this moment”

    • Destined
    • Born
    • Waiting
    • Trained

Check your answers:

Can you solve this ‘True or False’ Riverdale quiz within 5 minutes?!

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